Tomorrow I turn 27. And everyone keeps asking me what I want, what I need. Things may be tight, but I have what I need: a roof over my head, food to eat, an adoring husband and wonderful family and friends.But what I want more than anything, is to be able to go to Texas with my collaborator Andria Morales. She and I were just accepted to the 2011 National Popular Culture Association Conference in San Antonio Texas, where we will be presenting our self portrait dialog exchange project Are You My Other? We are thrilled about this opportunity and think it is the perfect place to situate our work. But after totaling our expected expenses, we realized that collectively we need to come up with $1,500 just to make it happen.So Andria and I are launching our first-ever Are You My Other? fundraising campaign Taking it to Texas. In exchange for donations, we are offering Are You My Other? goodies, alongside favorites from our individual bodies of work... but at a fraction of the price!SHOMER NEGIAH PANTIES (usually $20 each now one pair for $15 or two for $20) and Andria's BLASTER BIKE TOTES ($15) and T-SHIRTS ($20)
AM + ME Open Studios
AM and I visit each other's Studios on Are You My Other?AM studio
ME Studio
Ian Weaver, The Black Knights of the Black Bottom, and Are You My Other?
On the afternoon of November 18, 2010, on the Island of Facebook, history was response to the Fat Free Elotera post:Ian Weaver: I take ALL the credit for this (and future) collaborations between these two exceptional artists....! [just needed to make sure I put in that legal boilerplate stuff, just a formality]Andria Morales: No doubt! We are eternally grateful to the prolific genius of Ian Weaver for the inspired notion of pairing us together.Maya Escobar: YES!!! So true- we are Are You My Other? because of this Fine Man. We keep trying to figure out just how to pay homage... Latina Black Bottom promo girls? Just saying :)Ian Weaver: By commenting on my post you have in effect given me the legal authority to profit in part from any future performances, lectures, presentations, and sales of related merchandise. I will work out the percentages later with my BB lawyer, but for conversation sake, let's just say if you perform jointly at, say, the Mattress Factory or the Renaissance Society that I will net 33.33% of profits from said performance.Again, I will get my BB lawyer to draw up the papersAndria Morales: Did we just get served??? So much for the We ♥ BB Knights campaign...Ian Weaver: Nooooo! You haven't been served! I can't do that online; you will be formally served in person presently (I think someone is at your door; delivery guy??? Flowers By Irene???)Maya Escobar: I think a cut of all "BB profits" is totally fair and should be required.. LOL.. "profit" what an interesting concept... "to make money from art"... am I dreaming? But hey Ian if you can work us in to an of the aforementioned "performances, lectures, presentations, and sales of related merchandise" and oh "performances at, say, the Mattress Factory or the Renaissance Society" Are You My Other? would be eternally grateful.Ian Weaver: Done! I am on the phone with Hamza was we speak. I will work the Pittsburgh angle after the holidays.And seriously, fantastic work by both of you! I got on the blog; really interesting! I am having Maya present in my spring Research class for artists, and if I had the dough I would fly you out Andria and have you guys co-present. But, that would blow my transfer student's minds!Andria Morales: I think Maya and I meeting each other in person would blow OUR minds. Lets start a fundraiser!Maya Escobar: Wow, wow, wow!!! Is it okay with the two of you if I screen-shot this convo and re-post? Ian, I am going to try to see if there are any opps to lecture in other SAIC departments that week so that we could get funding for Andria to come in.Andria Morales: Summon your internet powersIan Weaver: GO FOR IT! I AM OPEN TO IT!!